legacy gifts


Leave a Lasting Legacy

Bequests to the Youngstown Free Library represent a vital source of support in ensuring the continuing vitality of the library for future generations. Whether you choose to make an unrestricted or restricted gift, the following examples of bequest wording are provided as a guideline for your convenience, each individual situation is unique, and therefore, these examples include only some of the possible gift opportunities.

We encourage you to share your final will provision with the Library Director or Library Board Treasurer to ensure that your wishes will be properly followed and recognized. All conversations about your plans are kept in confidence.

Unrestricted Gifts:

Unrestricted gifts provide the Youngstown Free Library with the option to designate funds to the most pressing needs at a given time.

I hereby give, bequest and devise to the Youngstown Free Library, a not-for-profit organization located at 240 Lockport Street, Youngstown, NY, the sum of ____________ dollars (or the property described below, or ___________% of my residual estate) for use in furthering the charitable purposes of the Youngstown Free Library.

Restricted Endowed Gifts:

Endowed Funds may be designated for a specific intent. We kindly request that you consult with the Youngstown Free Library before designating a purpose for your bequest.

I hereby give, bequest and devise to the Youngstown Free Library, a not-for-profit organization located at 240 Lockport Street, Youngstown, NY, the sum of __________ dollars (or the property described below, or _________% of my residual estate) for the establishment of the _____________ Fund (describe as appropriate).
Should the need for such a Fund cease to exist, then I empower the Trustees of the Youngstown Free Library to alter the application of this Fund as they deem most appropriate at that time.


For additional information, please contact:

Treasurer of the Board of Trustees
Youngstown Free Library
240 Lockport St.
Youngstown, NY 14174

This document is general in nature and does not represent a rendering of legal advice. Prospective donors are urged to consult their personal tax, legal, and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to the Youngstown Free Library.

This document drawn from language from the Worchester Public Library Foundation.

Long-Term Sustainability

In recent years, public libraries such as the Youngstown Free Library are facing difficulties obtaining the funding necessary to continue providing those services to the community. Reduced revenues from local governments facing budget crises of their own, rising labor and utility costs, and generous but insufficient donations from the citizenry require the library choose between running a deficit budget or reducing service levels to balance the budget.

The Youngstown Free Library Board of Trustees has created a Sustainability Committee. This committee of Board members works diligently to create revenue that will enable the Library to continue for decades to come. They organize Library fundraisers, apply for private funding grants, and meet with local leaders to advocate for public funding. Currently, they are having discussions about investing limited funds the Library has in order to guarantee regular returns for years to come.

How can you help contribute to the sustainability of the Library? Truly, anything you can do to help the Library will make a difference! Every donation you make helps the Library now, but we also need to think about long-term support for the Library. To that end, the Board of Trustees encourages you to think about adding the Library to your will with an unrestricted legacy gift. It's not glamorous, but your gift would go a long way toward building an investment portfolio whose returns would sustain the Library indefinitely.

Trust is built from financial and organizational transparency.

Youngstown Free Library
on Guidestar

Youngstown Free Library
Budgets, Meeting Minutes,
and Reports