Welcome (or Welcome Back)!


We’re so pleased you’re here, and we want you to know that the Youngstown Free Library belongs to YOU (and the other 25,000 annual visitors who use our little Library)! Please feel free to ask questions, point out books and movies we should get, make suggestions to improve the Library, come to programs, and volunteer for the Library or the Friends of the Library!

Remember, this is your local library, and we are truly delighted to welcome you here! Here are some guidelines to help you better understand and use the Youngstown Free Library.

Use of the Library

The Library is available for use by the general public without regard to race, sex, gender, class, creed, national origin, or legal place of residence. Any individual may use the collections on the premises and may take advantage of reference services provided by the staff. Borrowing privileges are available for individuals subject to the stipulations in the following sections.

Borrowing Privileges
Residents of Youngstown, New York
  • The Library will issue borrowers’ cards and the privileges that accompany the cards to the residents of the Town of Porter who have a Youngstown, New York 14174 mailing address.
  • There is no charge for becoming a borrower of the Library.
  • Borrowers’ cards are valid for a period of 2 years from the date of registration. The cards may be renewed if the borrower has no outstanding obligations to the Library.
  • New borrowers and those who apply for renewal of their cards must provide identification with current address information at the time of registration.
  • Children of all ages are eligible for a card; a parent must be present at registration.
  • Non-Residents of Youngstown, New York
  • Visitors staying with a local resident may borrow materials on their host’s card with his/her permission.
  • Temporary cards may be issued to seasonal residents of Youngstown, New York if they have a local address and/or phone number. The patron must provide identification with permanent address.
  • Guest passes are available to non-cardholders who wish to borrow an Internet computer for use in the Youngstown Free Library.
  • Patrons from other NIOGA libraries may borrow materials from the Youngstown Free Library using their NIOGA or local library card.
  • People wishing to obtain a Youngstown Free Library card who do not reside in or own land in the NIOGA Library system may be issued a card for $40.00 per year (passed 5/05).

  • Users and Borrowers’ Responsibilities
  • All users are expected to be orderly so that others may enjoy the use of the Library undisturbed.
  • All users are expected to use Library materials and the facilities with the care necessary to avoid damage or abuse.
  • Appropriate footwear and shirts, as defined by New York State Law, are required for admission to the Library.
  • Smoking and vaping are prohibited inside the Library, and smoking is prohibited within 100 feet of the Youngstown Village Center building.
  • All borrowers are financially responsible for materials borrowed under their card. The signing parent on a child’s card is financially responsible for materials borrowed under their child’s card.
  • Borrowing privileges will be denied to any patrons who have outstanding obligations to the Library system of $5.00 or over.
  • All borrowers are expected to abide by the Circulation Policies of the Library, including overdue penalties and replacement charges.
  • It is the borrower’s responsibility to inform the Library of a change in his or her address.
  • It is the borrower’s responsibility to inform the Library of a lost card.
  • Use of the Library and borrowing privileges may be denied to any individual who does not abide by the rules and regulations listed above or who violates other regulations of the library Circulation Policies.

  • Circulation Policies and Procedures
  • A borrower’s card must be presented at the time an individual wants to borrow materials.
  • Loan Period
  • Materials are loaned for various periods. The actual due date for each item is listed on the date due receipt.
    - Most adult books, children’s books, audiobooks, music – 3 weeks
    - New books, magazines, museum passes, movies – 1 week
    - Exceptions to these loan periods may be made at the discretion of the Library.
  • Overdue Materials
  • Fines are imposed for the materials that are not returned by the due date. The rate is $.10 for each day overdue for printed materials and audiobooks. The rate is $1.00 for each day overdue for movies. Borrowing privileges may be revoked for individuals who have accumulated unpaid fines, renewal of cards may be denied, and/or legal action may be initiated (passed 11/2012).
  • The Library will charge a borrower if the materials are not returned. The Library may revoke borrowing privileges, deny renewal of cards, and/or take legal action for the return of books or for replacement costs. The maximum fine limit is $5.00 per book and $10.00 per movie. Replacement costs are the actual replacement price of the item.
  • When Library materials are lost, it is the patron’s responsibility to notify the Library as soon as possible. If the material is overdue, the accumulation of fines will stop as soon as the Library is notified. When the item is reported lost, or determined lost the borrower will be expected to pay the actual replacement cost of the materials.
  • I might already have a library card...
    It's for another library.
    If it's for a library in Niagara, Orleans, or Genesee County (Nioga Library System), you can use it at the Youngstown Free Library! One library card per person in the Nioga Library System.
    I have fines.
    Fines happen to the best of us. You'll see no judgment or side-eye from any of the staff at the Youngstown Free Library. Stop in with cash or check and we'll help make them disappear!
    I haven't used it in a long time.
    Call us or stop in! Bring in a driver's license or other ID, and we can check your account and update it if necessary.
    I've lost my card.
    Call us or stop in! Bring in a driver's license or other ID, and we can replace your card for FREE.


    If none of these apply to you...
    Fill out this form and return it to the Youngstown Free Library with a driver's license or proof of ID.