Our Community

The Youngstown Free Library is the heart of our community. We are proud to be a place where residents can learn and grow. For more information about other community resources, check these links:


  1. Local History

  2. Schools

  3. Local Government

  4. Things to Do

  5. Community Calendar


The Youngstown Free Library partners with its community for programs, services, and education.

Is your organization interested in becoming a partner with the Library to better serve our community?


Bringing together community information

The Youngstown Free Library is trying something new. We are building a community calendar of all the wonderful things going on in our community! From local meetings to concerts, exercise classes to food banks, we are trying to gather all that information in one central place.

But we need your help to do this.

If you are an officer of an organization in Youngstown or Porter, please create a Google calendar for the upcoming events for your organization. Then contact the Library so that we can embed your calendar in the Community Calendar. You maintain exclusive control over everything posted from your organization, but we take care of the rest!

No doubt you have lots of questions about how to do this. Let us know and we'll get started together!

Ask the Librarian

Youngstown NY Library

The mission of the Youngstown Free Library is to be a community center which inspires learning and provides access to a vast range of information and resources for patrons of all ages.

The Youngstown Free Library Board of Trustees meetings are held on the last Monday of the month, with the following exceptions. In May, the Board meets on the 3rd Monday of the month, and the Board has no meeting in December. Meetings take place at 7 pm in the Library Meeting Room on the second floor of the Red Brick Building. The public is always welcome to attend.